"Forgiveness Daily Prayer Guide"

by Anna K Payne

I Repay Evil with Blessing
Pray Scripturally Every Day
# Nonfiction
# Christian
# Inspirational

Available in EPUB, MOBI, and PDF formats. Read on your Kindle, phone, tablet, computer and more

I Repay Evil with Blessing Forgiveness is hard. But we have been saved by God’s grace according to His mercy through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, our Savior. What does it mean to live life forgiven? We repay evil with blessing. We forgive those who offend us. In treating others, we show forgiveness by removing bitterness and gossip from our hearts, speech, and actions. God’s love casts out fear for us and of others. God shows us how to temper His justice with His mercy. Do any of us deserve it? No! That’s what makes it grace!